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TypeScript Unions: A Guide to Type Guards and Advanced Types

TypeScript unions let us create types that can hold values from different specified types. However, working with union types can feel like juggling -- fun, but challenging. Let's explore some of these challenges and how we can turn them into opportunities to write cleaner and safer code.

Challenges and Limitations of Union Types

  1. Type Safety Across Unions: TypeScript ensures operations are valid for every member of a union. This means you can't directly use properties or methods specific to only some types in the union without doing some detective work first.

  2. Compile-time Known Types: Union types are based on types known at compile time. This can feel a bit restrictive in scenarios where types might change dynamically at runtime.

Type Guards: Your Safety Net

Type guards are like your safety net, ensuring you don't fall flat when working with unions:

type UserId = string | number;

function formatId(id: UserId): string {
if (typeof id === 'string') {
return id.toUpperCase();
return id.toString();

In this example, typeof acts as a type guard, helping TypeScript narrow down the union type based on runtime checks. This way, TypeScript can figure out the correct type within the function block.

Conditional Types: The Shape-Shifters

When dealing with dynamically determined types, conditional types are like shape-shifters, adapting to the situation:

interface Cat {
name: string;
age: number;
color: string;

interface Dog {
name: string;
age: number;
breed: string;

type Animal = Cat | Dog;

const animals: Animal[] = [
name: 'Fluffy',
age: 2,
color: 'white',
name: 'Fido',
age: 3,
breed: 'Labrador',
]; => {
if ('breed' in animal) {
// TypeScript knows `animal` is a Dog here
return animal.breed;
} else {
// TypeScript knows `animal` is a Cat here
return animal.color;

Here, the in operator acts as a type guard within the map() function, allowing TypeScript to infer whether animal is a Cat or a Dog based on the presence of the breed property. This ensures type-specific operations without any runtime mishaps.

Advanced Union Types: Only and Either

When you need to create types dynamically, TypeScript offers Only and Either concepts. Think of them as your trusty sidekicks for handling complex type scenarios.

Only Type: The Specialist

The Only type allows you to create a new type that retains only specific properties from existing types while omitting others:

type Only<T, U> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] } & Omit<
{ [P in keyof U]?: never },
keyof T

type CatOnly = Only<Cat, Dog>; // Results in { name: string; age: number; color: string; }
type DogOnly = Only<Dog, Cat>; // Results in { name: string; age: number; breed: string; }

In these examples, Only creates CatOnly and DogOnly types by focusing on the properties unique to Cat and Dog, respectively.

Either Type: The Unifier

The Either type combines two types into a union where each property is present in at least one of the original types:

type Either<T, U> = Only<T, U> | Only<U, T>;

type Animal = Either<Cat, Dog>;

With Either, Animal becomes a union type that includes all properties from both Cat and Dog, ensuring type safety across various scenarios where either type might be valid.


Union types and their advanced concepts like type guards, Only, and Either are essential for handling varied data structures and ensuring type safety in TypeScript applications. By leveraging these features, developers can write robust and flexible code that adapts to dynamic type scenarios. So, go ahead, embrace the power of TypeScript unions, and code with confidence!